Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Celebrating Spring With a New Coat of Paint

Spring has arrived! It's official, and I am loving it. Projects that had been put off till warmer weather are in full swing. One of those big projects was to get the barn Deciding on the color of the barns on our farm was a big decision and since the neighbors barns are all black we decided to go with red.

 Thanks to our Grandma for letting us tear down the old tobacco barn to build a new barn here on Growing Boys Farm. While it was a lot of work tearing down an old barn, building the barn out of reclaimed wood was very gratifying and I have to say seeing it painted bright red the same as the old family tobacco barn is nice too.
While painting an entire barn is not exactly an easy project it is very rewarding in the end to see this huge building all painted. perk to painting a barn is no tarps or drops cloths are necessary, you can be as messy as needed. Yes our clothes, hair, shoes, and sunglasses all bare the tale-tell spatter of red paint which happens to be oil based and hard to remove.
I think the cows are enjoying the new paint job as well or maybe they were just happy to have their heads buried in the hay rack.


Growing Boys Farm is trying our hand at pigs. Well, actually some friends of ours are growing the pigs for us on their farm since the Growin...