Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring in Full Swing

I know I have said it before but it bares repeating, spring is a very busy time of year on any farm. This year is no different. We enjoyed a beautiful Easter weekend with family and church.

The apple trees are in full bloom and thanks to a generous friend two new ones are planted along with a new maple tree and ten new grape vines have been put in.
 The green house is planted and the plastic in the main vegetable garden is down. The first of many sunflowers have popped through the ground and the onions are happy with this spring weather. Fifty pounds of potatoes didn't exactly like the last cold spell but hopefully they will shoot back up. Fifty eight crazy baby chicks have made the shop their home for the next few weeks then they will be moved to the chicken tractors. All the baby heirloom tomato plants along with other summer veggies are still in the greenhouse waiting to make sure that the last of the frosts have passed. Soon they will make their way outdoors. We have a new addition to the farm, our new puppy BJ is taking a lot of the Growing Boys time right now. Not that he needs that much attention, but boys and puppies kind of go together. Shew, I'm not sure how much more this momma can fit into a day.
Be sure to check out WBKO on Thursday at Midday. We will be making spinach salad and talking about the upcoming farmers market. That's right!! Saturday morning is the first farmers market on the square. See you there!


Growing Boys Farm is trying our hand at pigs. Well, actually some friends of ours are growing the pigs for us on their farm since the Growin...