Saturday, November 15, 2014

Cold Weather Farm Update

Here in Kentucky winter has come early and in full force. It's not even Thanksgiving yet and the forecast is already talking snow and last night the thermostat hit 17. That means I finally have a few extra minutes for writing and pictures.

Although we were mostly prepared for winter there are a few things we needed to do before winter that still haven't been done. The wood did get cut, split and stacked, bee hives bundled up, and we did get the plastic up out of the fields but that's about it.

Now that we are wearing coveralls for all outdoor activities our focus has turned to the high tunnel. Mostly because it's warm and sunny in there during the day but cold at night. That makes for a lot of work to make sure we have enough heat and ventilation . I know I have said it before but it's so nice to step through the doors and into a nice sunny warm high tunnel and the produce is sooo good. It almost make all the covering and uncovering of plants worth it.

I realize it's been a while since the last post so here is an update on some farm news with pictures to follow...
BJ (the dog) and both of the boys have grown a lot! The bottle calves are almost weaned! The rooster is happy with all his new girls. I guess I forgot to mention that we had two mama hen for a total of 14 new baby chicks which are now almost grown. I just need to figure out which ones are hens and which ones are roosters.
Maybe with winter here there be more frequent news from the farm.





Growing Boys Farm is trying our hand at pigs. Well, actually some friends of ours are growing the pigs for us on their farm since the Growin...