Sunday, May 3, 2015

Day of Rest

"Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work"
Spring time on the farm brings with it lots of work. It seems that from sun up till sun down and sometimes even longer, we are working. Preparing the soil, plating the seed, watering, not to mention the feeding, moving, cleaning, cooking, washing, all day every day six days a week. 
But on Sunday afternoon... we rest. We put aside our tools, we make a cup of coffee, and we sit, or maybe we nap, or sometimes we visit.  And we walk over the fields hand in hand just looking at the ground and the plants. We talk of there needs or the needs of our children. We discuss plans for the future or projects that need to be done. But most of all we rest and renew ourselves for the coming days that bring with them more work. We are so very thankful for this day of rest and the peace that it brings with it.

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Growing Boys Farm is trying our hand at pigs. Well, actually some friends of ours are growing the pigs for us on their farm since the Growin...