Friday, April 24, 2015

CSAs and Springtime

Spring time has once again made it to the farm. This year it has brought with it rain, lots of rain. You are right farmers do need rain and we are happy to have it but... This early in the spring it does make working the ground for planting a little difficult. Crops here in South Central Kentucky may be a little later getting in the ground. Slowly but surely we will get it all in.
The rain sure has made the grass green up and our cows are loving it. They are so fat and happy that they just lay out in the field all day. Loulou doesn't even like to get up when you call her anymore.
Baby chicks are here. Fifty of them were living in the house until they became way too noisy and had to be banished to the barn. I actually think they like it better out there anyway and I like it much better as well.
Farmers Market starts back to every week on our lovely Court House lawn soon. We are excited to see everyone again. It's such a great atmosphere.
The Growing Boys Farm CSA will start back up in a few weeks and we have just a couple of spots left. If you're still thinking about it, you may want to drop us an email or give us a call soon.We have planted lots of goodies in the high tunnel for the CSAs and we have a few maple syrup... that may make it's way into the green baskets. (I will put the brochure with information below if anyone needs to see it.)
In other exciting news, we bought another high tunnel that will hopefully be put up later this summer. That will double our growing space and I am thinking more carrots! Oh and more spinach for sure!
We will try to keep everyone updated on the progress with lots of pictures.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Salmon on the Square

You are not going to believe this, but here goes...
Saturday April the 25th is the first day of Summer Market for Bounty of the Barrens Farmers' Market. It's the day when we bust out the white tents and move back to the square. This year we have decided to add a new feature to the Summer Market, the "Guest Vendor"( more info on that later). And April the 25th our guest vendor will be Wild Caught. What is Wild Caught you ask? Well, they are Jason and Mary Beth McKinley, Kentucky's Salmon Fishermen... And here's the part you might not believe. They are bringing Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon to our farmers' market. If you want a little more information about Jason ans Mary Beth just hop on over to their website, 

The Growing Boys chef (aka Mama) is excited to get a little salmon to go with all the fresh green salads we have around here! If you are interested in getting salmon be sure to stop by market April 25th on the square. Or you may want to preorder. by sending an email to


Growing Boys Farm is trying our hand at pigs. Well, actually some friends of ours are growing the pigs for us on their farm since the Growin...