Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Near the Potty

Christmas Eve usually brings much excitement to our home...But not this year. This year Christmas Eve brought the stomach flu. Oh Yea I'm talking sleeping in the bathroom,or in the hallway because we couldn't all fit in the bathroom at the same time. There was no turkey and dressing no fixins no yummy deserts. We feasted on Sprite and Crackers. But here it is the day after Christmas and we are all still alive, and since we had to cancel Christmas we still have a weekend of celebrating to look forward too. Our tree is still filled with presents and our hearts are still Merry! And I won't have to join a gym come new years. Thanks to the stomach flu.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Is Almost Here

We are so ready for Christmas. The tree is up and decorated. The cards have gone out. The presents are wrapped and they have been shaken so many times by the boys that the edges of the paper are getting worn. Dalton is actually getting good at guessing what is inside. He has guesses three right. Tomorrow starts our whirlwind Christmas adventure. The boys and I can't wait. Brian acts a little less enthusiastic but I think his Christmas spirit will shine through in the end.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Bad news with Italian Creme Cake

The past few days have been a roller coaster for my family. My fathers side of our family is a very tight knit and very spunky...or maybe stubborn group of individuals. Recently my aunt has had surgery for a serious medical condition and has had various complications in her recovery. In the mean time my Granny, who has diabetes, has been having problems of her own. Wednesday morning my Granny got up and she fell and she broke her hip this was the same morning she was to go in for a cancer screening. This also happened to be the day my other aunt was coming home from South Carolina. Oh and this is the same Wednesday the my Aunt, with the medical condition, had to be taken back to the hospital for anther surgery because of another medical complication. So to make a long story short at this point every body is out of surgery and doing as well as can be expected. But my Granny has been diagnosed with cancer of her pancreas and liver. She has decided to forgo the treatment and just "Let nature take it's course." Which from the way the doctors talk won't be very long. And after the doctor left when all eyes were on Granny she said "I want an Italian Creme Cake." So if it's her time to go she's going out a little scared a lot happy and full of Italian Creme Cake. I have to say it is a good cake!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sustainability, TB, and Genoside

I've started recently to follow a local group called Sustainable Glasgow. Their main focus is to make the greater Glasgow Barren County area more self sufficient in all aspects especially food. In reading there blog I have found links to many other informative sites. I found out that one person dies every 20 seconds from TB. Who knew? I also learned interesting facts about cattle feed lots, genoside in Darfur, and the near eradication of the guinea worm (which by the way is a disgusting little parasite). So that got me thinking with all that's going on in the world am I being environmentally and socially responsible enough. Sure I recycle and I grow some of my own food. In the summer I hang clothes out to dry to save on energy ,I've recently started making my own soap and my kids have to go through there toy boxes to donate to the needy. Although at this point it's only by the grace of God that were not one of the needy. But what can I as a stay at home mom in south central Kentucky do? Where are my talents used best? How can I teach my children to be and do what I have not been and done for so many years? These are the questions I'm pondering at the moment. I'm sure in time answers will come.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Card

Our Christmas cards are all done and in the mail (or in a stack to be hand delivered because I'm trying to save money on postage). I just thought I'd put one on the blog to wish everybody else a Merry Christmas.


Growing Boys Farm is trying our hand at pigs. Well, actually some friends of ours are growing the pigs for us on their farm since the Growin...